Plenari 2 – Breastfeeding – What’s Law Got To Do With It?
By Yeong Joo Kean, Legal Advisor, IBFAN-ICDC
With apologies to Tina Turner and her famous song, this session will explain why, for breastfeeding to thrive, there have to be controls on the marketing of commercial baby feeding products.
The speaker will explain how unethical marketing practices sabotage breastfeeding and undermine child health through various channels including the health profession. The presentation will uncover marketing practices and trends that threaten breastfeeding and show why there is a need for laws and other measures to protect parents so they can make infant and young child feeding decisions free of commercial influence.
Participants will receive an overview to the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent World Health Assembly Resolutions in this session. They will also learn how these international instruments are being implemented in Malaysia and elsewhere and discover how battles are being waged by breastfeeding advocates around the world to put babies before business.
The speaker will explain how unethical marketing practices sabotage breastfeeding and undermine child health through various channels including the health profession. The presentation will uncover marketing practices and trends that threaten breastfeeding and show why there is a need for laws and other measures to protect parents so they can make infant and young child feeding decisions free of commercial influence.
Participants will receive an overview to the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent World Health Assembly Resolutions in this session. They will also learn how these international instruments are being implemented in Malaysia and elsewhere and discover how battles are being waged by breastfeeding advocates around the world to put babies before business.